This is the one that started it all. Originally released in 2007 this was initially released with 17 kinkos printed copies as an injoke for my close friends. When bootleg copies were being spread around I figured I would invest in a slightly larger run and the rest is, as they say history.
This issue contains the following archetypes and the ubiquitous glossary
- Getting Started: Terrain
- Sensitive New Age Guy
- The Common Wook
- The Baller
- Feather Hats
- The DJ
- The Hater
- Guide to Festivals
- Feral Indigos
- the Goddess
- Trustifarian
- The Shirtcocker
- The New Ager
- Neo-tribal Visionary
- The Burner
- The Custie
- The Fire Troll
- The Taper